A Message from the Director

I have been involved with SOS for more than ten years. First as a supporter, then as a volunteer and now as a board member. My increased role is a direct result of my belief in the value and tangible benefit SOS brings to the life of children and women in Pakistan. Every year I see and read about SOS children growing up with what can only be described as miracles, considering where these children began their lives. From having a real home for the first time in their lives, to starting the first day of school, to graduating with high marks and getting their dream job. Orphaned and abandoned children, with real futures. Able to become productive and happy member of society.
Every year brings the high of these accomplishments along with the challenges of the number of children still in need of our help. These challenges put increased demands on our members and donor community. It is such challenges, however, that reveal the true spirit of giving. Our spirit of humanitarianism is at its best when times are at their worst, with friends helping friends around the corner and across the world.
SOS continues to be not just a symbol of hope but is made up of real homes, with walls, mothers, and love to comfort abandoned and orphan children in Pakistan. All this is only possible because of our supporters who give so generously year after year. Will you please join us and donate to bring help and hope to a child in desperate need of both.
Naila Nasir
SOS Children's Villages Pakistan
DC Chapter